CleanTech industry webinars​ - Energy Efficiency​ (9:00-10:00 CET)

March 14, 2023 09:00 AM CET

Welcome to this internal webinar with focus on Energy Efficiency.


Energy Efficiency has never been more important than now and is our ‘first fuel’ to a decarbonized future. This webinar will introduce the importance of energy efficiency and the Alfa Laval positioning, with the aim to inspire us all to become thought leaders in energy efficiency and Energy Hunters! 


Welcome to sign up, listen in and ask your questions in the chat for the live Q&A.


Please note that this is an internal broadcast and it should not be shared further to any external publication channel or stakeholder.

Julien Gennetier

President BU GPHE

Madeleine Gilborne

Head of Clean Technologies

Kajsa Dahlberg

Public Affairs Energy Division

Thomas Møller

President Energy Division
This webinar is over.