CleanTech industry webinars​ - Long Duration Energy Storage (15:00 -16:00 CET)

June 14, 2023 03:00 PM CET

Welcome to this internal webinar with focus on Long Duration Energy Storage.

Energy Storage is a key part of the puzzle in securing the energy transition to renewable energy sources and the decarbonization of industrial processes. This webinar will introduce the technology landscape of energy storage, and the Alfa Laval position within it, with the aim to inspire us all to realize an exciting business potential that is key for our planet. 


Welcome to sign up, listen in and ask your questions in the chat for the live Q&A.


Please note that this is an internal broadcast and it should not be shared further to any external publication channel or stakeholder.

Jo Vanhoren

President BU Welded Heat Exchangers

Alasdair Maciver

Head of Energy Storage Solutions

Gregory Derderian

Business Developer - Energy Storage (BU Welded)

Osama Zaalouk

Business Development Mgr. - Clean Tech GPHE
This webinar is over.